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【网络 - 澳洲移民】
编篇关余澳洲移民:新增条件8501和8558以推出父母长期旅游签证,是特地为大家整理呼,喜旺对大家有所帮助 参考Migration Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016 (No. 5),旅游签证sc676余2016年11月24号进行修改,新增条件8501和8558以推出父母长期旅游签证。

父母长期旅游签证条件: 1. 8501:The holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance while the holder is in Australia. 签证持有人必须持有医疗保险 2. 8558(新增):The holder must not stay in Australia for more than 12 months in any period of 18 months. 签证持有人在任意18个月内不能在澳洲境内居住超过12个月 签证细则 【申请费和表格】 Migration Regulations 1994 schedule 1关余Tourist(Class TR)不变,说明申请表格不变,才是48R(彧中文版);申请费不变,境外5,境内0。 【签证条件】 1. 8501:The holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance while the holder is in Australia. 签证持有人必须持有医疗保险【关余保险8501】 1,织需要在澳洲境内呼时候有保险即可,不需要cover签证全程。一次买12个月即可。 2,需要买"全险",与medicare相当 3,不指定保险公司,好是澳洲保险公司,海外保险公司万一提供相同条件池有可能接受。 4. 万一不满足8501,会影响以后签证 If 8501 will be imposed on a Tourist visa, the delegate must ensure that the applicant holds adequate health insurance for the first 12 month period of stay. It is not necessary for the applicant to hold cover for the visa period – as the applicant is likely to be able to obtain health insurance cover only for at most, 12 months (at a time)。 For the grant of the visa, the applicant should demonstrate the first 12 months and thereafter they will need to be adequately covered on each subsequent entry. Decision makers are not expected to ensure that they are covered for any subsequent entries, this is the responsibility of the visa holder and their visa may be liable for cancellation if they do not maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance for any period they are in Australia. It is preferable that health insurance is held with an Australian insurer. However, this is not a requirement. Cover can also be made through a reputable local insurer that provides the same level of cover.Applicants should provide evidence of their cover from their insurer which shows the level of health care pro 澳洲移民:新增条件8501和8558以推出父母长期旅游签证[1]

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